Chopper Man is the second spinoff manga written by Hirofumi Takei starring Eiichiro Oda's character, Chopper Man Unlike the first spinoff manga, this one takes place in the main Chopper Man universe, where Chopper Man is the champion of justice fighting against the incarnation of evil, Dr Usodabada 🎮 Big, muscular black man with the mind of a small child The real world is too violent for him, so he escapes to his imaginary, better world, wherePTS 80 PTSex 80 SERIES Type Submersible chopper pumps Fields of use Livestock Biogas Industry Motor power 2,2 18,5 kW Capacity 160 m³/h Head 46 m Multichannel impeller and double chopping system • Chopping system and anticlogging screw
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